
pseudogout ,what to know?


Best books in emergency medicine

 Best books in emergency medicine If you're looking for the best books on emergency medicine, here are 10 highly recommended titles for various levels of experience: General Emergency Medicine References Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide (Judith E. Tintinalli) The gold standard for EM; comprehensive and widely used. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice (Marx, Hockberger, Walls) A detailed reference with strong pathophysiology explanations. The Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management (Ron M. Walls, Michael F. Murphy) Essential for mastering airway management in emergencies. Quick References and Clinical Guides Emergency Medicine Secrets (K. Kanthimathinathan, Vincent J. Markovchick) A concise and practical guide in an easy Q&A format. The Atlas of Emergency Medicine (Kevin J. Knoop, Lawrence B. Stack, Alan B. Storrow) A great visual reference for emergency conditions. Harwood-Nuss’ Clinical Practice of Emergency Medic...

Ecstasy (MDMA)addiction ,what to do ?

  Ecstasy (MDMA) addiction treatment typically involves a combination of therapeutic approaches designed to help individuals overcome their dependency on the drug. Here are some common methods used for treatment: 1.  Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):  CBT helps individuals recognize and change unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors associated with drug use. It also focuses on building coping skills for managing stress, cravings, and triggers that lead to drug use. Contingency Management:  This is a therapeutic approach that uses rewards or incentives to encourage positive behaviors, such as remaining drug-free. 2.  Detoxification A supervised detox program may be necessary for individuals who have developed a physical dependence on ecstasy. During detox, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, depression, anxiety, and irritability. Medical supervision ensures that the process is safe and as comfortable as possibl...

Testicular cancer, what to know?


lipoedema ,what to know?

  Lipoedema is  a long-term (chronic) condition of fat and connective tissue that builds up in your legs, hips, bottom, and sometimes arms . It affects both sides of the body equally. It's more common in women and only very rarely affects men Current research and clinical practice being done support surgical intervention with specialized micro-cannula liposuction for lipedema. Surgeons have been successfully treating lipedema patients with specialized liposuction for over 15 years, mostly in Europe. Prior to performing therapeutic liposuction, your circulation should be assessed. Your surgeon must ensure that you have a healthy blood supply to ensure appropriate healing, as well as minimize any risk from the procedure from abnormal blood vessels that often are present in the diseased areas. No patient has the same anatomy, and in general, each patient should have a customized approach specific to their problem. 

Banking umbilical cord blood stem cells

  Cord blood banking is  when your baby's umbilical cord blood is collected and stored after delivery . This cord blood contains valuable stem cells that help treat life-threatening diseases. You can choose to donate to public or private cord blood banks.